
Right to de-connect: modify your working regulations

Last year we informed you about the new right to deconnection in a newsletter.

Because of this, employers who employ 20 or more employees are obliged to work out the following three modalities in the working regulations or a company CLA at the latest by 1 January 2023:

  1. The practical modalities of the employee's right not to be available outside his or her working schedule.
  2. The guidelines for the use of digital tools so that the employee's rest periods, holidays, private and family life are safeguarded.
  3. Training and awareness-raising actions, both for employees and managers, on the wise use of digital tools and the risks associated with excessive connection.

However, the FPS Work (“Federal Public Service Employment, Labour and Social Dialogue”) communicated that employers were given a 3-month extension. Therefore, the modified working regulations must be in place at the company no later than 1 April 2023.


! Action point

Check if you have to change you working regulations. Please note that in the context of the Labour Deal, other measures also have to be compulsorily included in the working regulations (or company CLA), regardless of the number of employees in the company. 

Contact our Legal Team legal@pro-pay.be for more information.

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