
Students can work 600 hours in 2023 and 2024!

Under certain conditions, student work is exempt from normal social security contributions. If those conditions are met, student work is subject to a much lower solidarity contribution (5.42% for the employer and 2.71% for the student).

A student may only work a maximum number of hours per calendar year in order to benefit from the lower solidarity contributions. Until now, the annual limit was 475 hours per year, but the limit has been be increased to 600 hours per year as from 1 January 2023. This measure is valid in the calendar years 2023 and 2024.

If the student works more than 600 hours in 2023 or 2024, the advantageous solidarity contributions will no longer apply from the 601st hour, but normal social security contributions (as for a normal employee) will be due. In 2024, an evaluation will be made on whether to extend this new measure.

! The other conditions for student work, must still be respected. If you would like more information on the strict formalities and conditions for student work, please check our newsletter from 10 June 2022.    

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